Using the Power of Breath to Relieve Pain

Using the Power of Breath to Relieve Pain

It was 2:00 am, and I was wide awake, staring at the ceiling, consumed by the pain that was coursing through my neck and across my shoulders. My surgeon warned me that cervical spinal fusion would cause post-op pain. But he also said that it would be a piece of cake...
3 Feet to Gold: How to Keep Going When You Want to Quit

3 Feet to Gold: How to Keep Going When You Want to Quit

Jed decided to purchase a gold mine. Jake, the former owner, had done well. But when the gold ran out, he decided to quit digging and move on. So he sold the mine and all the equipment he used to explore. Jed, however, sensed that the “claim” would produce more gold...
Breathe Your Way to Compassion

Breathe Your Way to Compassion

Gary was a patient in a rehabilitation facility, recovering from a broken back after jumping out the passenger side of a moving car. He had been drinking while arguing with his father, who was driving. Gary was also my roommate while I was in treatment for multiple...